

來(lái)源:未知 作者:bbs.16xx8.com 學(xué)習(xí):239人次
作者:alexguo翻譯   出處:ICONfans


Final Image Preview最終圖片預(yù)覽

Step 1Create a new document with these settings like 1a. The first layer, call it “background” and fill any color. Then Open the Blending Options and settings (1b).


創(chuàng)建一個(gè)新文檔,參見圖1a。第一層命名“background” 可以填充任何顏色。給他添加圖層樣式,漸變疊加,設(shè)置參見b1

Step 2Create a new folder, call it “ipod”. In this folder, create a new layer, call it “ipod” as well. Select the Rectangle Tool (U) to draw a rectangle shape like the one below (2a). Select the Pen Tool and click on the shape. After that, create four nodes of the shape as shown. At the top line, click to make a node between two top nodes. Then correct the top line of the curve by holding “Command” down, and clicking and dragging the node upward by a little (2b). Do the same with bottom line, but downward this time(2c). Then press Command + Enter to make the selection and fill that with color (2d).


創(chuàng)建一個(gè)新的文件夾,吧它命名為“ipod”,在這個(gè)文件夾里面創(chuàng)建一個(gè)新層,命名為“ipod”。使用矩形工具(U)創(chuàng)建一個(gè)圖2a所示形狀。選擇鋼筆工具在形狀添加錨點(diǎn),如下所示。然后按下Ctrl + Enter建立選區(qū),并填充顏色,參見(2d)

Step 3Open the Blending Options menu for “ipod” and adjust the settings like in image 3a. Create a new layer on top, call it “light ipod”. Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to make a rectangle selection and fill it with white (3b). Then reduce the Opacity to 30% (3c).


給“iPod”添加圖層樣式,參見圖3a的設(shè)置。在“iPod”上面創(chuàng)建一個(gè)新層,命名為“light ipod”。使用矩形選框工具(m)建立選區(qū)如圖(3b)并填充白色。然后,將不透明度設(shè)置為30%(3c)。

Step 4Create a new layer on top, call it “screen bg”. Use Round Rectangle (set Radius: 5px) to draw a shape like one below and fill it black color (4a). Then open Blending Option and setting (4b).


創(chuàng)建一個(gè)新的層命名為 “screen bg”。使用圓角矩形工具(u)(半徑:5px)創(chuàng)建一個(gè)參見圖(4A)的形狀并用黑色填充。然后雙擊圖層,添加圖層樣式,設(shè)置參見圖(4b)。

Step 5Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool to make the selection (5a). Press Command + J to duplicate this selection, rename the new layer “screen bg light”. Reduce the Opacity to 30% (5b). Then open the Blending Options and use the following settings (5c).


使用矩形選框工具(m)創(chuàng)建如圖(5a)的選區(qū)。按Ctrl+ J復(fù)制圖層,將新層命名為“screen bg light”.不透明度設(shè)置為30%(5b)。然后雙擊打開圖層樣式,參見(5c)設(shè)置。

Step 6Create a new layer on top, and call it “screen”. Use the same tool to make the rectangle selection right in the middle of the “screen bg” and fill it with black (6a). Then open Blending Options and use these settings (6b).


創(chuàng)建一個(gè)新層,命名為“screen”。使用相同的工具,使在“screen bg” 與 “screen”垂直居中,并填充黑色(6a)。然后雙擊圖層,添加添加圖層樣式,參見圖(6b)設(shè)置。

Step 7Use the Polygon Lasso Tool to make the selection like in 7a. Press Command + J to duplicate this selection, rename the new layer “light screen”. Open Blending Options and use the specified settings (7b). Then reduce the Opacity to 30%.


使用多邊形套索工具(L),參照7a建立選區(qū)。按Ctrl + J復(fù)制圖層,重命名新的層為“light screen”。然后雙擊圖層,添加添加圖層樣式,參見圖(7b)設(shè)置。不透明度設(shè)置為30%。

Step 8Create a new layer on top, call it “button bg”. Use Elliptical Marquee Tool to make the circle selection and fill it with white (8a). Then open Blending Options and use these settings (8b, 8c).


創(chuàng)建一個(gè)新層,命名為 “button bg”。使用橢圓選框工具(m),參加8a建立選區(qū),并用白色填充。然后雙擊圖層,添加添加圖層樣式,參見圖(8b,8c)設(shè)置。

Step 9Create a new layer over “button bg”, and call it “circle”. Use the same tool to make the smaller circle selection and fill it with white (9a). Then open Blending Options and copy these settings (9b, 9c). Add a button icon on “button bg” (9d).


創(chuàng)建一個(gè)新層,命名為“circle”。使用同樣的方法,也用白色填充,參見9a。然后雙擊圖層,添加圖層樣式,設(shè)置參見圖(9b,9c),在“button bg” 層上面添加一些按鈕,參見9d

Step 10The right earphone is up next.

Create a new folder (outside “ipod” folder), call it “right earpiece”. Use the Elliptical Marquee Tool and the Pen Tool (P) to draw like in the steps below (10a). In turn, open the Blending Options of each layer and use these settings (10b, 10c, 10d).



在“iPod”文件夾的外面創(chuàng)建一個(gè)新文件夾,命名為“right earpiece”。使用橢圓選框工具(m)和鋼筆工具(P)按照(10a)的步驟來(lái)繪制。接下來(lái),給你一層添加圖層樣式,參照(10b,10c,10d)的設(shè)置。

Step 11Create a new document (20 x 20px) with a transparent background. Choose the Custom Shape Tool, select the diagonal shape (11a). Draw and fill with black (11b). Then go to Edit > Define, name it “diagonal” and close this document (no need to save).


創(chuàng)建一個(gè)(20 × 20px)透明背景的的新文件。選擇自定義形狀工具,選擇圖(11a)中顯示的形狀。繪制和填充黑色(11b)。然后進(jìn)入“編輯>定義圖案“,命名為“diagonal”,并關(guān)閉該文件(不需要保存)。

Step 12Come back to the main document. Create a new layer under “right 03”, and call it “right 06”. While holding “Command” down click on the layer “right 03” to obtain its selection. Go to Select > Modify > Contract, put Contract by 2px. Go to Edit > Fill, at Contents select Pattern, at Custom select “diagonal”.


回到主文件。按住Ctrl,單擊 “right 03”圖層,得到選區(qū),并建立新圖層,命名為“right 06”。”選擇>修改>收縮'’,輸入2px。去”編輯>填充“選擇填充圖案,選擇自定義的“diagonal”。

Step 13The left earpiece.

Create a new folder (outside “right earpiece” folder) between “ipod” folder and “background”, call it “left earpiece”. Do the same steps of “right earpiece”.



創(chuàng)建一個(gè)新文件夾(在“right earpiece” 文件夾外,在“iPod”文件夾與“background”之間),命名為“left earpiece”。和上面的操作相同。

Step 14In the “left earpiece”, create a new layer on top, call it “shadow left” and according to the following images:


在 “leftearpiece”圖層上創(chuàng)建一個(gè)新層,稱之為“shadow left”。如下所示

Step 15Create a new layer under “left earpiece” folder, call it “line”. Use Pen Tool to draw like 15a. First, set Brush tool is hard brush 4px, black color. Then press U, click right mouse on the image, select Stroke Path to draw black line (15b). Open Blending Options this layer and setting (15c).


在“left earpiece”文件夾中建立新層,命名為“line”。使用鋼筆工具繪制圖15a所示圖形。設(shè)置畫筆工具(b)為4px,黑色。在圖像上單擊鼠標(biāo)右鍵,選擇描邊路徑(15b)。添加圖層樣式設(shè)置參見(15c)。

Step 16Press Command + J to duplicate “line”, rename new layer “line shadow”. Move it under “line” and reduce Opacity to 40%. Then move this layer down a little.


按Ctrl + J復(fù)制 “line”,重命名為“line shadow”。使它在”line“層下,不透明度設(shè)置為40%。

Step 17Create a new folder under “left earpiece” folder, call it “shadow”. Use Brush Tool, Pen Tool, and Elliptical Marquee Tool to draw accordin to the following images below:


在建立“left earpiece” 文件夾下新建一個(gè)文件夾,命名為“shadow”。使用畫筆工具(b),鋼筆工具(p)和橢圓選框工具(m)繪制據(jù)下面的圖形。

Final Image最終圖像。

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